Saturday, April 3, 2010

April 3 2010

so April 1st i spent the night at my uncles he didn't have Internet so i could get on but i had alot of fun i met this lady that has lupus and shes really nice and she has two dogs that she just adores she also says DUH alot haha i took a picture of her and her puppies and then we went to taco bell and i learned that my grandma's best friend who has been her best friend since before i was born has always loved my grandma and that's why shes lives with my grandma its weird i always wondered why she lived with her. i stayed up really late watching movies the time goes by so fast. also i got really sick so i didn't get on to post I'm sorry. yesterday April 2 i took the buss from my uncles to my grandmas and we walked from where the bus left us but the ride was really fun i got to see alot of Dallas and of Polk county then we got home and i left to go to my aunt's house and i spent the night and when i woke up we watched a few movies i really missed her i told her that after high school that id come live with her so she didn't have to live by herself because my cousin is looking for a place to live once she gets her baby back. and her cat just scratched my hand and its turning red and i have to go eat dinner.

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