Monday, May 10, 2010

spending my last few days in Oregon

my last few days of Oregon were fun i got my ear pierced, i went to a Mongolian buffet and it was amazing! the plate was bigger then my head and it didnt look like alot of food but i couldnt finish it sadly as good as it was i was stuffed when me my step dad and my cousin satrina (the who had the baby) sat down after they cooked our food they brought us rice and like really thin rice paper it was so good! and then we had soda and they gave us free ice cream in all it was really nice i also bought 00g wood plugs there really nice i was gonna use them as weights but they were really light so it didnt work then we went and said goodbye to everyone i love my whole-well some of my family haha then we went back to my grandma's house and pack our stuff and at 4 am we got in the car and headed back home :]

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